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what is FOP in Asterisk?
rodriguezrayen 22-August-2008 02:30:34 PM


falsh operator pannelis a board for managing aestrick on PBX.Simply we use web browser for ussing it
Posted by mrleo99098

This version fixes the "red/green flashing problem" that is experienced by using the latest Flash Player from Adobe.

So, if you have some machines that work ok, and some that have problems, then you will need to update FOP to this version, or install an older version of the flash player on the affected machines, but I do not recommend that since Adobe patched a security issue in the last version, so you should be updating all of your flash players together with FOP.
Posted by HamidAliKhan

The Flash Operator Panel
The Flash Operator Panel (FOP) is one of the most popular examples of the power of
the Manager interface. FOP presents a web-based visual view of your system and allows
you control of calls.
FOP is most commonly used to enable a live attendant to view the users in the system
and connect calls between them. It can also be used in a call-center environment to
provide CRM-triggered screen pops.

The FOP management interface is shown in Figure 10-1. To grab a copy of FOP, head
to http://www.asternic.org.
FOP isn’t all that difficult to set up, but it does require several steps to configure. The
configuration of FOP is beyond the scope of this book, but if you head on over to the
FOP web site you will find the latest documentation detailing the installation and con-
figuration process.
FOP has a fantastic community and a popular mailing list. The success of FOP has also
been aided by its inclusion in Tribox.
Posted by sagitraz

Flash Operator Panel

FOP presents a web-based visual view of your system and allows you control of calls.

FOP is most commonly used to enable a live attendant to view the users in the system and connect calls between them. It can also be used in a call-center environment to provide CRM-triggered screen pops.

Posted by rodriguezrayen

Flash Operator Panel is a switchboard type application for the Asterisk PBX. It runs on a web browser with the flash plugin. It is able to display information about your PBX activity in real time. The layout is configurable (button sizes and colors, icons, etc). You can have more than 100 buttons active per screen.
Posted by sajjanmallik

Flash operator panel
Posted by sajjanmallik

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