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Guys,What is the purpose of command "make upgrade" in Asterisk?
sagitraz 27-August-2008 11:53:21 AM


The Asterisk project is a work in progress. Almost every day there are updates to the source files.
Those updates implements bug fixes, performance improvements or new features. If you want to keep up with the latest developments you have to update Asterisk. In this section I will show you how.

Update Asterisk manualy.

On the command line type
# cd /usr/src/asterisk
# make upgrade
this will download the newest source files for Asterisk
When all the new files are downloaded, you must recompile Asterisk. Type
# make clean; make install
this will delete the previous compiled objects, and start the build process
Now your PBX is up-to-date, but you should also update the zaptel and the libpri modules. For those modules there isn’t a make upgrade command!

Update zaptel en libpri from the cvs.

On the command line type
# cd /usr/src
# export CVSROOT=:pserver:anoncvs@cvs.digium.com:/usr/cvsroot
# cvs login
# cvs update zaptel libpri
# cd /usr/src/zaptel
# make clean; make install
# cd /usr/src/libpri
# make clean; make install

Update Asterisk with a script

Leif Madsen wrote a script to install and update asterisk via a script. The script was modified and released as asterisk-update.sh by Steve Szmidt and can be found at http://www.szmidt.org/asterisk/asterisk-update.sh
You can download and execute the script with the following commands
# cd /usr/src
# wget http://www.szmidt.org/asterisk/asterisk-update.sh
# ./asterisk-update.sh update

Note :

when you get this error
# bash: ./asterisk-update.sh: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: Permission denied

you have to give yourself permission to execute that script with :
# chmod 777 asterisk-update.sh

Posted by jackson

Note: Doing this improperly may break your system, so I don't recommend doing this unless you have a complete backup and know how to fix what you break.

Note 2: Do NOT just upgrade to the very latest version of Asterisk unless you are CERTAIN that version works with FreePBX. If you are using an older version of FreePBX (2.2.x or earlier) you should not even consider upgrading to the 1.4 branch of Asterisk. Instead, use the latest Asterisk version in the 1.2 branch. On the other hand, if you are using a current FreePBX version (2.3.x or later), you may be able to use a version of Asterisk in the 1.4 branch. The instructions below assume that you are sticking with the 1.2 branch of Asterisk for the time being.

Note 3: Trixbox users should be aware that upgrading could cause some Trixbox-specific features to stop working (such as the weather forecast) - if that happens, it's your responsibility to figure out what to do to get those features working again. Also, Trixbox apparently doesn't include kernel source code in their distributions, and it is needed to successfully compile Asterisk, so Trixbox users may need to do yum -y install kernel-devel kernel from the command prompt prior to continuing with these instructions.

That said, here is the best information I have found on upgrading Asterisk. Before you do this, you may want to use your web browser to navigate to the following directories to see if there are later versions in the same branch as the version shown below - if so, you may want to try the newer version:


(libpri is really only necessary if you have a T1, but it may already be installed on your system and if so, you probably want to update it.)
Posted by jackson

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