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Explain Ping of Death?
bretpark 27-October-2008 11:45:51 AM


The Ping O' Death page is included first, then comes BSD source code, then comes a version of the above which is modified to compile on Linux 2.X. I also appended jolt.c, which IP spoofs to. Woop! It's the Ping o' Death Page! How to crash your operating system! Maintained by Malachi Kenney,
Posted by waqasahmad

its a basically attack & for explanation visit the subsequent link
Posted by Hash007

The use of Ping with a packet size higher than 65,507. This will cause a denial of service.
Posted by HamidAliKhan

Ping of death is term when you send ping packets by larging its length for attack.
Posted by waqqas1

Posted by suresh123

A ping of death (abbreviated "POD") is a type of attack on a computer that involves sending a malformed or otherwise malicious ping to a computer. A ping is normally 64 bytes in size (or 84 bytes when IP header is considered); many computer systems cannot handle a ping larger than the maximum IP packet size, which is 65,535 bytes. Sending a ping of this size can crash the target computer.

Traditionally, this bug has been relatively easy to exploit. Generally, sending a 65,536 byte ping packet is illegal according to networking protocol, but a packet of such a size can be sent if it is fragmented; when the target computer reassembles the packet, a buffer overflow can occur, which often causes a system crash.

This exploit has affected a wide variety of systems, including Unix, Linux, Mac, Windows, printers, and routers. However, most systems since 1997-1998 have been fixed, so this bug is mostly historical.

In recent years, a different kind of ping attack has become wide-spread - ping flooding simply floods the victim with so much ping traffic that normal traffic fails to reach the system (a basic denial-of-service attack).
Posted by sagitraz

A Ping of Death is a type of attack using large (64K) fragmented ICMP echo request packet. This can cause a number of IP stack implementations to crash, most stacks now a days are immune to this attack.
Posted by ngnguru

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