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Explain applying NTFS compression and encryption?
terrylee 09-October-2008 10:12:02 PM


www.nacs.uci.edu/security/New_Pages/EFSforWindows.html - 25k - 8 hours ago -
Posted by crouse

please visit
Posted by waqasahmad

Please visit the following links:


Posted by sagitraz

Compression can be used for single files or folders, or for an entire drive.
Although compression can save on the amount of disk space required to store data, compressing files may cause the computer to slow down while it compresses and decompresses the data.

Posted by mariuspaul

NTFS stands for New Technology File System. Microsoft created NTFS to compensate for the features it felt FAT (File Allocation Table) was lacking. These features include increased fault tolerance and enhanced security. Windows XP's NTFS has several enhancements over Windows 2000 NFTS (but is compatible with it). Overall Microsoft managed to improve NTFS performance by 5 to 8 percent, making NFTS performance similar to FAT. Also new in this version is the ability to do a quick-format during Windows XP setup. There are a number of other improvements, some of which I'll mention later in this article.
Posted by vishwesh

Encryption is true for remote Desktop, Offline files and folder, Multiprocessor support, Group policy and remote installation and available in windows XP Home Edition.
Posted by suresh123

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