Sometimes the term is also used to describe 1900 MHz CDMA, ... The primary component of the noise floor on the forward link is signals being sent by the cell ... It is not modulated using the long code and it uses Walsh code channel 0,
Posted by waqasahmad
forward link (base station to mobile)voice channel modulation process where audio signal is digitized to 64kbps.This is supplied to the voice coder(Vocoder). Error protection bits and repetition bits (discussed later) are then added. These bits are then interleaved(alternated in time)to avoid the effects of group errors due to redio signal distortion. The bots are the randomized by the PN code, primarily for voice privacy.The error protection coded date signal is then spread(multopled) by the orthogonal codes to create a high speed data signal of 1.228 million information bits per second.This information signal is spread again by the long PN code.later, data is sent to the modulator where it modulates the RF carrier for radio transmission.
Posted by howard