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Can anyone explain about Soft Handoff?
hameznick 19-April-2008 02:14:59 PM


Posted by crouse

Posted by crouse

Go to Wikipedia......
Posted by waqqas1

soft hand is used in CDMA and WCDMA telecom system
softhand :- first in make the connection to the other sectors than brack the call from use sectors is softhand off
Posted by satpal

Friends also read from http://wireless.stanford.edu/papers/DWongsoftHandoff.pdf
Posted by jzhang

Soft handoff is so called to distinguish it from the more traditional hard handoff process. With hard handoff, a definite decision is made on whether to handoff or not. On a positive decision, the handoff is initiated and executed without the user attempting to have simultaneous traffic1 channel communication with the two base stations 2. With soft handoff, a conditional decision is made on whether to hand off. Depending on the changes in pilot signal strength from the two or more base stations involved, a hard decision will eventually be made to communicate with only one. This normally happens after it is clear that the signal from one base station is considerably stronger than those from the others. In the interim period, the user has simultaneous traffic channel communication with all candidate base stations. The difference between hard and soft handoffs is like the difference between swimming relay events and track-and-field relay events. In swimming relays, the next swimmer starts just as the preceding one touches the wall, analogous to the switch from one base station to another in a hard handoff. In track-and field relays, the baton is passed from one runner to the next after the second runner starts running, and so for a short time they are both running together, analogous to a soft handoff.
Posted by Charlie_ng

Soft handover or soft handoff refers to a feature used by the CDMA and WCDMA standards, where a cell phone is simultaneously connected to two or more cells (or cell sectors) during a call. If the sectors are from the same physical cell site (a sectorised site), it is referred to as softer handoff. This technique is a form of mobile-assisted handover, for IS-95/CDMA2000 CDMA cell phones continuously make power measurements of a list of neighboring cell sites, and determine whether or not to request or end soft handover with the cell sectors on the list.
Posted by sagitraz

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