What is BTS?
TelecomTrainning.net - 05-October-2007 12:19:01 PM Can any one explain me how sms flow will work using ss7 network ?( from physical layer to application layer)
mullaguriswetha - 15-October-2007 06:38:12 PM What is a Class D IP address?
laya - 04-July-2007 02:39:10 PM What is GGSN?
tony - 05-October-2007 12:28:19 PM Explain SLTA and SLTM messages in MTP3?
clavton - 24-February-2009 06:27:18 PM What is BSC?
roger - 05-October-2007 12:18:19 PM How do I monitor SS7 Traffic in spectra2?
pradeep - 31-August-2007 01:17:31 PM Explain me the difference between a repeater, bridge and router? Relate this to the OSI model.
Brenton - 16-September-2007 06:03:23 PM what is EDAp? what is the functions of EDAP?
lingam - 17-March-2008 04:53:24 AM how to calculate assumptions of 20 calls per second per ss7 link?
robert - 18-October-2007 04:00:15 PM |