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Why there is motivation to use IMS?
riad 26-October-2007 05:59:50 PM


IMSI for bearer access and the IMPI for IMS access. • Even if the client can use IP-Sec, because there is no Authorization header,
Posted by waqasahmad

Firstly, IMS aims at making network management easier. It combines the service and control platforms with one another. In other words, it has a service overlay on top of an underlying packet switched architecture. Moreover, it should allow migration of circuit switched services like voice telephony to packet switched domain. This is because an-all IP integrated network is easier to manage than the existing architecture wherein there is no single underlying framework. Therefore, IMS must use Internet protocols for better interoperability.

The Quality of Service (QoS) is also important, for it determines the types of services that can be supported. Thus, IMS must support QoS delivery. Another motivation for IMS is from the business perspective. The network operators can offer a bundle of attractive services and thereby play an important role in the service delivery rather than just act as “bit pipes” for the customers. Moreover, the IMS should the support the creation and deployment of new services, for it will generate more revenue to the network operators and thereby help increase the average revenue per user (ARPU), a measure that is already decreasing. The features such as single sign on, multiple service usage and combined billing in a single session are bound to attract more customers and thereby generate more business for the network operators.

Posted by Manchu

1. IMS aims at making the network management easier. There¬fore, it separates control and bearer functions. This means that IMS features an overlay service delivery network on top of a packet switched infrastructure. Moreover, IMS should allow the migration of Circuit Switched services like voice telephony to the Packet Switched domain
2. The level of QoS that can be provided in IMS networks determines the services that can be deployed in such networks. QoS delivery is therefore critical in IMS networks. As a result, QoS management functionalities are integrated in the IMS architecture.
3. The IMS is an horizontal architecture: it provides a set of common functions called service enablers that can be used by several services (e.g. group/list management, presence, provisioning, operation and management, charging...)
4. the average revenue per user (ARPU) is decreasing for several network operators, the IMS is seen by many as a solution for network operators to be "more than bit pipes",
5. IMS is also designed to allow substantial network infras¬tructure and management savings, therefore improving the cost effectiveness
6. The IMS is intended to enable the deployment of "better and richer" services. It should enable the delivery of real-time IP based communications

Posted by Chung

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