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What should be the SIP response message for ISUP cause value 18 no user responding, 19 no answer from the user and 20 subscriber absent?
michaeldavid23 19-June-2008 10:46:17 AM


Posted by crouse

Posted by crouse

unallocated number 404 Not Found
Posted by crouse

ISUP Cause value SIP response
---------------- ------------
1 unallocated number 404 Not Found
2 no route to network 404 Not found
3 no route to destination 404 Not found
16 normal call clearing --- (*)
17 user busy 486 Busy here
18 no user responding 408 Request Timeout
19 no answer from the user 480 Temporarily unavailable
20 subscriber absent 480 Temporarily unavailable
21 call rejected 403 Forbidden (+)
22 number changed (w/o diagnostic) 410 Gone
22 number changed (w/ diagnostic) 301 Moved Permanently
23 redirection to new destination 410 Gone
26 non-selected user clearing 404 Not Found (=)
27 destination out of order 502 Bad Gateway
28 address incomplete 484 Address incomplete
29 facility rejected 501 Not implemented
31 normal unspecified 480 Temporarily unavailable

(*) ISDN Cause 16 will usually result in a BYE or CANCEL

(+) If the cause location is 'user' than the 6xx code could be given
rather than the 4xx code (i.e., 403 becomes 603)

(=) ANSI procedure - in ANSI networks, 26 is overloaded to signify
'misrouted ported number'. Presumably, a number portability dip
should have been performed by a prior network. Otherwise cause 26 is
usually not used in ISUP procedures.

A REL with ISDN cause 22 (number changed) might contain information
about a new number where the callee might be reachable in the
diagnostic field. If the MGC is able to process this information it
SHOULD be added to the SIP response (301) in a Contact header.

Resource unavailable

This kind of cause value indicates a temporary failure. A 'Retry-
After' header MAY be added to the response if appropriate.

ISUP Cause value SIP response
---------------- ------------
34 no circuit available 503 Service unavailable
38 network out of order 503 Service unavailable
41 temporary failure 503 Service unavailable
42 switching equipment congestion 503 Service unavailable
47 resource unavailable 503 Service unavailable

Service or option not available

This kind of cause value indicates that there is a problem with the
request, rather than something that will resolve itself over time.

ISUP Cause value SIP response
---------------- ------------
55 incoming calls barred within CUG 403 Forbidden
57 bearer capability not authorized 403 Forbidden
58 bearer capability not presently 503 Service unavailable

Service or option not available

ISUP Cause value SIP response
---------------- ------------
65 bearer capability not implemented 488 Not Acceptable Here
70 only restricted digital avail 488 Not Acceptable Here
79 service or option not implemented 501 Not implemented

Invalid message

ISUP Cause value SIP response
---------------- ------------
87 user not member of CUG 403 Forbidden
88 incompatible destination 503 Service unavailable

Protocol error

ISUP Cause value SIP response
---------------- ------------
102 recovery of timer expiry 504 Gateway timeout
111 protocol error 500 Server internal error


ISUP Cause value SIP response
---------------- ------------
127 interworking unspecified 500 Server internal error

Posted by gsmxprt

480 Temporarily unavailable
Posted by yogendra

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