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What is the maximum speed of a T1 Internet connection?
manoj 22-February-2008 01:33:36 PM


T1 carrier is one of the most popular leased line options for digital transmission that offers high speed internet connectivity at 1.544Mbits per second. A T1 line is comprised of 24 individual channels, each capable of transferring data at 64Kbits per second. With T1 Internet connection, you can have uninterrupted and reliable data transfer within seconds. In normal phone lines, voices are transmitted through copper wires as analog signal and you can transmit data at around 30 kilobits per seconds with your normal modem.

A T1 Internet connection, on the other hand, is capable of carrying 24 digitized voice channels at the speed of 1.544 megabits per second. A T1 carrier can carry 192,000 bytes of data per seconds – nearly sixty times more data than that of a normal residential modem. T1 Internet connection is capable of providing uninterrupted data transmission which you would not get if you use ordinary modems. If you want to transmit audio or visual data through your residential modem or through your phone service you have high risk of getting jammed since the speed is so slow. With a T1 service, you can eliminate this risk significantly.

Internet service by service providers convert all voice calls as analog rather than in digital format, which not only takes longer time but frustrates customers now that high speed is available. With a T1 line, you not only increase the speed of your data transmission, but also save time for your valuable online work. With the advancement of fiber optics, lesser time is required to convert analog signals to digital format. Fiber optical wires are sometimes used for T1 line to provide maximum speed, although the normal wires are by copper. In case of ordinary modem or residential telephone connection, thin copper wire is used which can rarely carry much load at the time of transmission of data. In T1 Internet connection, broadband internet connection is used which ensures two-way transmission of data at a faster rate than any other method of transmission.

Apart from that, hundreds of users can comfortably share T1 connection, which is impossible if you use modems or telephone line or an ISDN line. If you are interested in online songs and movies, then you will find the ordinary modem or residential telephone service can not meet your demands, as these lines take hours to convert any MP3 files or video files to analog format and to transmit them at the desired destination. A DSL or cable may be options but a T1 line, if you can afford it, is the best option. For a business of 20 or more employees, a T1 service is required. By implementing T1 circuit, you can easily transmit digital and video data at the required destination at great speed and at the same time, have a T1 service that’s more reliable.

If you have a small business with twenty to twenty five users, T1 Internet connection is most suitable for you. T1 Internet service works better than ordinary business DSL. It is economical to have T1 bandwidth if your business is small in size and internet is critical for your business. A Channel Service Unit (CSU) is used to connect non-data terminal equipment with a T1 Internet connection to get the desired T1 line speed. A CSU is a device which connects a leased line and remains attached to the customer’s system. The main objective of CSU is to encode data, which comes through a broadband T1 line. For the T1 connections, one needs to have a channel service unit.

T1 circuits work simultaneously with your existing phone wires and equipments, though you may require special jacks and connections and some alteration in the wiring to get T1 connection. It is the responsibility of your network service provider to install new wires and equipments according to the requirements. The connection not only runs through conventional metal wires but also runs through fiber optical wires, twisted pair copper wire, coaxial cable, digital microwave, and also through infrared. T1 Internet connection is used for linking remote LAN’s. It can also be utilized to bring Centrex service from the telephone company’s central office to the business areas cost effectively.

While DSL is a quick and cost effective medium of acquiring high-speed bandwidth, it is usually not intended to support commercial applications or many users at a time. A T1 Internet connection is the ideal solution. Businesses mainly use two types of Internet access – DSL and T1; and from though DSL is less expensive; it is not as reliable as T1 circuits. For installing T1 service, you need to spend the cost for T1 line price, which would include installation fee, although it is at times waived. Customers have an option to negotiate T1 prices but for this, they need to sign a 2 or 3 year term. Today getting a T1 price is easier than it used to be. In conclusion, to get dedicated high speed internet connectivity you can get a T1 internet service. You can enjoy dedicated, reliable and uninterrupted internet connectivity.

Alan Nguyen has been involved in the Telecom/Bandwidth industry for over seven years. Through his company, they have represented all the major Tier 1 providers such as AT&T, MCI/Verizon, Sprint, Qwest, Savvis, etc. He has helped hundreds of small to midsize businesses get bandwidth services such as T1, T3/DS3, OC3, VPN/MPLS, etc.
Posted by waqasahmad

T1 line operates at 1.544 Mbps.
Posted by michaelcoyne

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