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what is spectrum ?Why there is shortage of spectrum in the country
scm 17-August-2008 11:10:48 AM


tech2.in.com/biz/india/news/media/spectrum-shortage-can-be-constraint-for-telecom-growth/13762/0 - 71k
Posted by crouse

(an ordered array of the components of an emission or wave)
This has led to severe shortage of spectrum for telephony operators. ... that the growth of the sector acted as a catalyst in the country's development.
Posted by waqasahmad

SPECTRUM is not any kind of physical matter which we can be touched and felt,and there is nothing like if we consume it will be over.
Its all about all the range of the frequencies allotted for specific kinds of wireless operations like AM Radio broadcast,FM Broadcast,Mobile Communication,Military Frequencies,Airplane Navigation,RADAR Operations,Sonar Operations etc.
Depending upon the operating ranges of the equipment they are bifurcated into several category like Microwave,Infrared,Tera hertz Radiation,Ultraviolet,Gamma rays etc.
Presently the ITU has allotted 800MHz and 1900 MHz band for wireless mobile services.Now suppose that these two bands are totally consumed at a place because there are so many operators present(e.g SPRINT,TMobile,O2,RCOM,Airtel,Vodaone etc and each operator has been allocated a chunk of available frequency from the wireless mobile operation band frequencies. ),in this case we need to allocate higher range of frequencies for wireless communications like may be 2100MHz band but since to operate in this higher band the RF elements like filters and all has to be sophisticated enough to reject all other frequencies.The higher the operating frequency the more sophisticated filter we need.
Its a very very tough task to develop the filters with sharp cutoffs at higher frequencies.
Thats why presently, rather than going for higher range of frequencies we are more concerned about developing the multiple access techniques so that more no of users can be added in the same band e.g OFDMA, CDMA etc.
In India we have provided a large part of the frequencies to Military and also some of the operators like Airtel are having more than required amount of frequencies so this is going to result in virtual scarcity of the spectrum.Again,because around 7 new operators are going to join the Indian telecom space and we yet have to decide upon the 3G spectrum we need to make the process of auctioning the band more robust and streamlined .

Posted by mohsin_n_alam

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