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What are the External applications and Bristuff application commands you can use in Asterisk Dialplan?
james_winston 18-August-2008 08:46:20 PM


Posted by crouse

Posted by crouse

External applications (not in the CVS)

* Asterisk app_dbodbc: Dialplan modifiers using unixODBC
* DynExtenDB: Store extensions in database
* Iconv: Convert character sets.
* LDAPget: Retrieve a value from a LDAP directory server
* app Prepaid: Designed for Postgres
* PPPD: PPP daemon connector
* Asterisk cmd Backticks: Store shell command result to asterisk variable
* Asterisk cmd ASR - professional, multi lingual speech recognation for Asterisk
* Asterisk cmd Vxml - professional, VoiceXML interpreter for Asterisk

Bristuff application
All of those are part of the Bristuff asterisk patch.

* PickUp: Mostly channel independent.
* PickUpChan: Pick up the specified channel
* Asterisk cmd BristuffPickupSIPuri
* PickDown: Hang up on a remotely ringing call
* Steal: Take over a bridged call (leg)
* Devstate: Generate a device state change event (inuse, busy, ringing ...)
* Asterisk cmd BristuffSegfault: Crash Asterisk with segfault
* ZapCD: ISDN call deflection
* Asterisk cmd BristuffZapEc: Enable or disable echo cancellation for Zap
* Asterisk cmd BristuffZapInband: Inband call progress (pre-answer)
* Asterisk cmd BristuffAutoanswer: Autoanswer a call for a specified extension
* Asterisk cmd BristuffAutoanswerLogin: Login to the autoanswer application
Posted by sagitraz

Asterisk app_dbodbc: Dialplan modifiers using unixODBC
DynExtenDB: Store extensions in database
Iconv: Convert character sets.
LDAPget: Retrieve a value from a LDAP directory server
app Prepaid: Designed for Postgres
PPPD: PPP daemon connector
Asterisk cmd Backticks: Store shell command result to asterisk variable
Asterisk cmd ASR - professional, multi lingual speech recognation for Asterisk
Asterisk cmd Vxml - professional, VoiceXML interpreter for Asterisk.

Bristuff application

PickUp: Mostly channel independent.
PickUpChan: Pick up the specified channel
PickDown: Hang up on a remotely ringing call
Steal: Take over a bridged call (leg)
Devstate: Generate a device state change event (inuse, busy, ringing ...)
Segfault: Crash Asterisk with segfault
ZapCD: ISDN call deflection
ZapEC: Enable or disable echo cancellation for Zap
ZapInband: Inband call progress (pre-answer)
Autoanswer: Autoanswer a call for a specified extension
AutoanswerLogin: Login to the autoanswer application.

Posted by james_winston

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