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What are Asterisk CLI General Commands?
alwin 14-August-2008 10:07:20 PM


General commands

* !: Executes a given shell command
* abort halt: Cancel a running halt
* add extension: Add new extension into context
* add ignorepat: Add new ignore pattern
* add indication: Add the given indication to the country
* debug channel: Enable debugging on a channel
* dont include: Remove a specified include from context
* help: Display help list, or specific help on a command
* include context: Include context in other context
* load: Load a dynamic module by name
* Asterisk cli logger reload: Reopen log files. Use after rotating the log files.
* no debug channel: Disable debugging on a channel
* originate: originate a call.
* remove extension: Remove a specified extension
* remove ignorepat: Remove ignore pattern from context
* remove indication: Remove the given indication from the country
* save dialplan: Overwrites your current extensions.conf file with an exported version based on the current state of the dialplan. A backup copy of your old extensions.conf is not saved. The initial values of global variables defined in the [globals] category retain their previous initial values; the current values of global variables are not written into the new extensions.conf. (:exclaim:) Using "save dialplan" will result in losing any comments in your current extensions.conf.
* dialplan save (1.4): BROKEN, doesn't parse correctly. Overwrites your current extensions.conf file with an exported version based on the current state of the dialplan. A backup copy of your old extensions.conf is not saved. The initial values of global variables defined in the [globals] category retain their previous initial values; the current values of global variables are not written into the new extensions.conf. (:exclaim:) Using "save dialplan" will result in losing any comments in your current extensions.conf.
* set verbose: Set level of verboseness
* show agents: Show status of agents
* show applications: Shows registered applications
* show application: Describe a specific application
* show channel: Display information on a specific channel
* show channels: Display information on channels
* show codecs: Display information on codecs
* show conferences: Show status of Asterisk conferences
* show dialplan: Show dialplan
* show hints: Show registered hints
* show image formats: Displays image formats
* show indications: Show a list of all country/indications
* show locals: Show status of local channels
* show manager command: Show manager commands
* show manager connect: Show connected manager users
* show parkedcalls: Lists parked calls
* show queues: Show status of Asterisk queues, see details here
* show switches: Show alternative switches
* show translation: Display translation matrix
* soft hangup: Request a hangup on a given channel
* show voicemail users: List defined voicemail boxes
* show voicemail zones: List zone message formats
* devstate change: Change state of a custom device (new in Asterisk 1.6.0)
Posted by sagitraz

!: Executes a given shell command
abort halt: Cancel a running halt
add extension: Add new extension into context
add ignorepat: Add new ignore pattern
add indication: Add the given indication to the country
debug channel: Enable debugging on a channel
dont include: Remove a specified include from context
help: Display help list, or specific help on a command
include context: Include context in other context
load: Load a dynamic module by name
logger reload: Reopen log files. Use after rotating the log files.
no debug channel: Disable debugging on a channel
originate: originate a call.
remove extension: Remove a specified extension
remove ignorepat: Remove ignore pattern from context
remove indication: Remove the given indication from the country
save dialplan: Overwrites your current extensions.conf file with an exported version based on the current state of the dialplan. A backup copy of your old extensions.conf is not saved. The initial values of global variables defined in the [globals] category retain their previous initial values; the current values of global variables are not written into the new extensions.conf. (:exclaim:) Using "save dialplan" will result in losing any comments in your current extensions.conf.
dialplan save (1.4): BROKEN, doesn't parse correctly. Overwrites your current extensions.conf file with an exported version based on the current state of the dialplan. A backup copy of your old extensions.conf is not saved. The initial values of global variables defined in the [globals] category retain their previous initial values; the current values of global variables are not written into the new extensions.conf. (:exclaim:) Using "save dialplan" will result in losing any comments in your current extensions.conf.
set verbose: Set level of verboseness
show agents: Show status of agents
show applications: Shows registered applications
show application: Describe a specific application
show channel: Display information on a specific channel
show channels: Display information on channels
show codecs: Display information on codecs
show conferences: Show status of conferences
show dialplan: Show dialplan
show hints: Show registered hints
show image formats: Displays image formats
show indications: Show a list of all country/indications
show locals: Show status of local channels
show manager command: Show manager commands
show manager connect: Show connected manager users
show parkedcalls: Lists parked calls
show queues: Show status of queues, see details here
show switches: Show alternative switches
show translation: Display translation matrix
soft hangup: Request a hangup on a given channel
show voicemail users: List defined voicemail boxes
show voicemail zones: List zone message formats.

Posted by alwin

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