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There are 9 types or times Registration happens. Can some one explain how and when?
rohit 26-May-2008 04:51:04 AM


Power-up Registration
The mobile registers when it is directed to power-on by the user, switches from
using the alternate serving system, or switches from using the analog system.
The mobile delays a number seconds before registering after entering the
Mobile Station Idle State. This prevents multiple registrations whenever the
mobile’s power is quickly turned on and off.

Power Down Registartion
The mobile registers whenever it is directed to power-off by the user. The
mobile does not power down until after completing the power-down
registration attempt.

Parameter-Change Registration
The mobile registers whenever one of the following of its stored parameters is
• 1) the preferred slot cycle index
• 2) the station class mark
• 3) the call termination enabled indicator.
Parameter-change registration is independent of the roaming status of the

Timer based Registration
The mobile registers whenever a timer expires. This type of registration causes
the mobile to register at regular intervals and allows the system to
automatically deregister mobiles that fail to perform a successful power-down
registration. Timer-base registration uses a Paging Channel slot counter. This
counter is equivalent to a timer with time increments of 80 ms. Timer-based
registration is performed when this counter reaches a maximum value.

Zone-based Registration
The mobile registers whenever it moves into a new zone not on its internally
stored list of visited registered zones. A zone is a group of cells, both AMPS
and CDMA, within a given system and network. The REG_ZONE field in the
System Parameters Message identifies the BTS’ zone assignment. A zone is
added to the mobile’s list of visited registered zones whenever a registration
occurs and is deleted upon the expiration of a timer. Timers are enabled for
every zone, except the active one, following a system access and at the start of
a call. Mobiles can be registered in more than one zone. The SID, NID, and
zone number are used to uniquely identify a zone.

Implicit Registration
An implicit registration occurs whenever the mobile sends an Origination
Message or a Page Response Message on the Access Channel and the DMSMTX
can infer its location.

Distance-based Registration
The mobile registers whenever the distance between the current BTS and the
BTS in which it last registered exceeds a threshold. The mobile determines that
it has moved a certain distance by computing a distance measure based on the
difference in latitude and longitude between the current BTS and the BTS
where the mobile last registered.

Ordered Registration
Ordered registration allows the base station to order a mobile to register by
sending a Registration Request Order to the mobile over the Paging Channel.
The mobile responds to this order with a Registration Message. This type of
registration is not supported in the NT CDMA system.

Traffic channel Registration
Traffic channel registration allows the base station to obtain registration
information about a mobile that has been assigned to a Traffic Channel by
sending a Status Request Order message. The mobile responds with a Status
Message and the base station affirms that the mobile is registered by issuing a
Mobile Station Registered message which supplies the mobile with the current
system parameters for the serving BTS. This type of registration is not
supported in the NT CDMA system.

Posted by Aruna

1. Power on: when a mobile is turned on
2. Power off: just before a mobile is turned off
3. Timer-based: after a certain timer expires
4. Distance-based: if the mobile moves to a further cell
5. Zone-based: if a mobile moves in or out of a zone
6. Ordered: base station requests the registration
7. Parameter change: if the mobiles parameters change
8. Implicit: base station infers the mobiles position
9. Traffic channel: for registration in active mode
Posted by john_pederson

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