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Hi, How can I change my SSID?
areil 24-October-2008 01:06:26 PM


Wireless access points and routers ship with a default network name (SSID) set by the manufacturer. Change this name to improve the security of your home wireless LAN. To improve the security of your home wireless network, change the SSID to a different name than the default. Here are some recommended do's and dont's,
Posted by waqasahmad

By giving your wireless network a name via SSID (Tom), you may be able to more easily identify your network, if more than one wireless network shows up in range of your wireless receiver.
Posted by michaelcoyne

Wi-Fi access points and routers ship with a pre-defined network name (SSID) set by the manufacturer.

The SSID can be accessed from within these products' Web-based or Windows-based configuration utilities. Common examples of pre-defined SSIDs are simple names like "wireless," "netgear," "linksys," or "default." An SSID can be changed at any time, as long as the change is also made on all wireless clients.

To improve the security of your home wireless network, change the SSID to a different name than the default. Here are some recommended do's and dont's, based on best network security practices:

* Don't use your name, address, birthdate, or other personal information as part of the SSID.
* Likewise, don't use any of your Windows or Internet Web site passwords.
* Don't tempt would-be intruders by using tantalizing network names like "SEXY-BOX" or "TOP-SECRET".
* Do pick an SSID that contains both letters and numbers
* Do choose a name as long or nearly as long as the maximum length allowed.
* Do consider changing your SSID every few months.
Posted by sagitraz

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