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Jacoby 03-October-2007 06:45:02 PM


The Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) is the combined security organization responsible for defending the security and sovereignty of the Maldives, having the primary task of being responsible for attending to all internal and external security needs of the Maldives, including the protection of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and the maintenance of peace and stability.

Its component branches are:

* MNDF Coast Guard
* MNDF Fire & Rescue Service
* MNDF Infantry Services
* MNDF Defence Institute for Training & Education (Training Command)
* MNDF Support Services


* 1 Organization
* 2 History
o 2.1 Origin of the Security Force
o 2.2 Evolution of the Security Force
o 2.3 Maldives National Defence Force
* 3 Organizational Structure
o 3.1 Coast Guard
o 3.2 Infantry Units
o 3.3 Training Command
o 3.4 Supporting Units
o 3.5 Non-Military Services
* 4 Recruitment
* 5 Rank Structure
o 5.1 General Officers
o 5.2 Chief's of Defence Force
* 6 External links

[edit] Organization

The MNDF functions directly under the command, direction and guidance of the Minister of Defence and National Security.

The inception of the service was by a royal prerogative, but today it is by an act of the parliament and as stipulated in the Maldives Constitution, the sovereign head of the country assumes the office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

[edit] History

[edit] Origin of the Security Force

Hagubeykalun the first known reference to the Maldivian defenders dates back prior to the reign of Sultan Al-Gazi Mohamed Thakurufaan. Here the three bearers of high office designated as Maafaiy, Faamuladheyri, and Dhaharaadha were responsible for organising the security of the country.

Sultan Al-Gazi Mohamed Thakurufaan reorganised the existing security force at that time and appointed a "Dhoshimeynaa Wazir" (a Minister) as the head of the security force.

The origin of the current security force can be traced from the initiatives of Sultan Ibrahim Nooraddeen Iskandhar who reigned from 1888 to 1892. The Sultan was impressed by a group of young men practicing marching in step while they were at the Sultans Palace to learn a traditional form of martial arts. The Sultan gave his blessings to their new drill and facilitated their training. The group of men thereafter began to accompany the Sultan on his ceremonial processions.

During Sultan Ibrahim Nooraddeen Iskandhar's brief reign, he enlisted selected youths and taught them Hevikan (a Maldivian form of martial arts) and made them participate in royal ceremonies. On 21 April 1892, a new security force was established by a royal decree. The Sultan became the Commander-in-Chief of the security force. This new force was authorised to carry arms and the Palace afforded special privileges to them.

[edit] Evolution of the Security Force

Since the establishment of a security force, it has served as a combined force except for two brief periods. A police force was formed on 29 March 1933, during the reign of Sultan Mohamed Shamsuddeen III, but it was soon disbanded. The police force was re-established on 13 March 1972, as a branch of the security force, which was then known as National Guards, functioning under the Ministry of Public Safety.

On 10 January 1979, after years of evolution and progress, the Ministry of Public Safety and the National Guards were re-named as the Ministry of Defence and National Security and the National Security Service (NSS) respectively. The police remained as an integral part of it until it was declared a civil body under Ministry of Home Affairs and renamed as the Maldives Police Service on 1 September 2004. The incumbent Commissioner of Police, Adam Zahir (no relation to Mohamed Zahir) also held the rank of Major General in the National Security Service and was previously Deputy Chief of Staff of the NSS.

The National Security Service (NSS) remained a multi-functional force, directly under the command, direction and supervision of the Minister of Defence and National Security. The President was the Commander-in-Chief of the NSS, and the Minister of Defence and National Security was the Deputy Commander-in-Chief.

[edit] Maldives National Defence Force

With the separation of police as a civil body, the mission and duties of the NSS had to be revised. This revision envisaged a totally different turn for the organization. Hence, to carryout the newly derived mission and tasks, the core of its structure had to be modified and redesigned. All these new implementations created more of an infantry organization and was renamed the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF), on its 114th anniversary, on 21 April 2006.

[edit] Organizational Structure

The MNDF comprises Coast Guard, Infantry Units, Non Military Units, Support Service Units and Training Command.

[edit] Coast Guard

Main article: Maldivian Coast Guard

Maldives being a water bound nation much of the security concerns lay at sea. Almost 90% of the country is covered by sea and the remaining 10% land is scattered over an area of 415km x 120km, with the largest island (altogether 1192 islands) being not more than 8 km˛. The geographic location and formation of the country provides ideal conditions for the moon-cursers to carryout their activities taking Maldives as a covert route to their destinations.

Therefore the duties assigned to the MNDF of maintaining surveillance over our waters and providing protection against foreign intruders poaching in the EEZ and territorial waters, are immense tasks from both logistical and economic view points. Hence, for carrying out these functions, it is the Coast Guard that plays a vital role. To provide timely security its patrol boats are stationed at various MNDF Regional Headquarters.

Coast Guard is also assigned to respond to the maritime distress calls and to conduct search and rescue operations in a timely manner. Maritime pollution control exercises are conducted regularly on an annual basis for familiarization and handling of such hazardous situations.

Coast Guards also under takes armed sea transport of troops and military equipment around the country.


* Protecting territorial waters, EEZ, and the marine environment.
* Conducting search and rescue, and salvage operations.
* Enforcing maritime law.
* VIP and Convoy protection.
* Coastal Surveillance.

[edit] Infantry Units

The Infantry Units of MNDF are designated as Rapid Reaction Force (RRF), Special Protection Group (SPG) and Special Forces (SF). They are organized into infantry heavy combat teams and combat groups with amphibious armoured vehicles. They can be mobilized both at land and sea.

Rapid Reaction Force formerly known as Quick Reaction Force are established at various strategic locations and vulnerable areas. The RRF is composed of Rapid Reaction Groups (RRG), namely RRG 1, RRG 2 and RRG3. They are deployed for the purpose of maintaining security in their key areas of responsibility and their operational conduct involves;

* Assistance to Coast Guard in maritime operations.
* Assistance to Civil Authorities at times of crisis.
* Search and Rescue operations.
* Providing KP guards.
* Undertaking combat operations.
* Conducting counter insurgency.
* Carrying out counter terrorism operations.
* Supporting humanitarian and disaster relief activities

Special Protection Group (SPG) too undertakes all these responsibilities, but their primary mission remains to protect and safeguard the Head of State as well as visiting dignitaries.

This unit was formally established soon after the 3 November 1988 incident. At first they were known as the Special Guards with a group of well-trained MNDF soldiers. As the forces tasks and mission expanded, the group was re-named Special Protection Group (SPG).

Special Forces (SF) are the elite combat units of the MNDF. They are trained to perform their duties in all conditions at any time, in any part of the country. Specifically their involvement comes in situations where it is impediment to regular infantry forces.

[edit] Training Command

Defence Institute for Training and Education (DITE) is the officiating unit responsible to train and to ensure that every training activity is well planned and rigorously executed to fulfil the Vision and Mission of MNDF. Training centres are established to train MNDF personnel from basics leading up to specialized training.

Furthermore, selected personnel are trained in over seas training establishments and institutions in academic, technical and other professional areas to enhance the professionalism of the MNDF. Joint training exercises are also conducted routinely with other countries.


* Providing institutional training.
* Carrying out collective and individual training.
* Conducting training exercises.
* Co-ordinating training activities of all units

[edit] Supporting Units

Communication, Electronics and Information Technology Service (CEITS) caters all communication related needs of MNDF. This also includes the servicing and repairing of communication equipment. Along with the communication assistance it is also tasked to implement and monitor the information technology needs of the organization.

Project Planning, Implementation and Maintenance Service (PPIMS)s main function is to design and build all new buildings of the MNDF and to maintain the existing infrastructure of the MNDF. Today the able men and women of PPIMS have the potential to do everything related to construction of buildings from its designing phase to the completion of construction.

Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (EME) deals with every matter related to the repair, maintenance, modification, production of spare parts, and electrical and mechanical equipment of MNDF. Apart from this they are also entitled for marine engineering, fibre glassing, air-conditioning, production of various metal structures and to bring required modifications to the weapons used in MNDF. They have the authority to check on any such item at any time which is entrusted to any unit of the MNDF.

Medical Service (MED) is the authority responsible to provide medical assistance to men and women of the MNDF.

Welfare of the MNDF personnel has always been of paramount importance from the early days of the establishment of the security force and an established Medical Clinic came into existence in 1992. The trained men and women of Medical Service are round the clock at the medical assistance of the service men and women of MNDF. No matter on land or sea, they are where the troops are and provide timely service.

Special medical provision is made to those patients with illnesses that cannot be cured or treated in the Maldives by sending them abroad for further treatment. Furthermore, opportunities for training in the medical fields are being afforded to competent applicants as and when possible.

Transport Service (TS) provides land and sea transport which are vital to the prompt and efficient mobility of the MNDF. Being a sea bound and a scattered island nation, much of the communication network depends upon proper transportation.

TS cater the transport needs of the organization as a whole. Some units of MNDF do have their own independent modes of transportation, but to those unit which do not own independent transportation means and for massive load carrying TS involvement is vital.

Quarter Master Service (QMS). Issue of Q items and provision of all food and ration requirement of MNDF are the main concerns of this unit. Most of these services are provided to MNDF by contracting out to private sector. Therefore to make the necessary contracts with concerned parties and monitoring and supervision of the service provided is a responsibility of QMS.

Band and Music Wing (BMW). From the very birth of the security force, a form of ceremonial detachment was established to accompany the Sultan in his ceremonial processions. This ceremonial band has changed from a band of drums and trumpets to a modern brass band. BMW takes part in the ceremonial parades and at all the MNDF and national level ceremonies.

[edit] Non-Military Services

Fire and Rescue Service (FRS)shoulders the responsibilities of providing fire-fighting and rescue services to the public. Presently, a timely service is given to the inhabitants of capital island Mal'e and nearby islands.

However, efforts are being made to render this service to the public. Already all over the country people are trained in fire fighting skills and community based civil fire fighting sub stations are established in various regions.

Other Supporting Units:

* Sifainge Ekuveri Kunfuni (SEK).
* Ordnance (ORD).
* Media and Publishing Service (MPS).
* Regional Headquarters (RHQ).
* Special Assessment Unit (SAU).
* Sports and Recreation Club (SRC).
* Supply Unit (SU).
* Sports and Fitness Wing (FSW)

[edit] Recruitment

The number of recruits for each year is predetermined by the President’s Office and the Ministry of Defence and National Security with the assistance of the MNDF HQ.

When the advertisements seeking for potential recruits appears in the media, interested candidates can submit their “expression of interest” to the Ministry of Defence and National Security.

The Ministry of Defence and National Security shall notify the time and place of interview for those who had expressed their interest. Those who do not qualify the current basic entry criteria, however, shall not be called for an interview.

Basic Entry Criteria for Maldives National Defence Force:

* Candidate must have completed GCE Ordinary Level or Grade 10 ( or a equivalent vocational training )
* Candidate must have a minimum height of 5’ 5” (males) or 5’ 3” (females)
* Candidate must be between 18 and 28 years of age
* Candidate should not have any police records for past five years
* Candidate must not be registered in a Political Party

[edit] Rank Structure

The ranking system of the MNDF is based on the traditional British military system, though with minor modifications. The highest flag rank ever awarded was that of Lieutenant General, in a non-military capacity to the previous Defence Minister Abdul Sattar, although the President being the Commander in Chief also holds the rank of General in a non military capacity.

Rank Structure:

* General
* Lieutenant General
* Major General
* Brigadier General
* Colonel
* Lieutenant Colonel
* Major
* Captain
* First Lieutenant
* Lieutenant
* Warrant Officer 1
* Warrant Officer 2
* Staff Sergeant
* Sergeant
* Corporal
* Lance Corporal
* Private

[edit] General Officers

* Major General Moosa Ali Jaleel - Chief of Defence Force
* Brigadier Farhath Shaheer - Vice Chief of Defence Force
* Brigadier Ahmed Naeem Mohamed
* Brigadier Ibrahim Mohamed Didi
* Brigadier Ahmed Mohamed
* Brigadier Ahmed Shahid
* Brigadier Ahmed Shiyam
* Brigadier Zakariyya Mansoor

[edit] Chief's of Defence Force

* Lt. General (Ret.) Ambaree Abdul Sattar (21 April 1992 - 01 January 1996)
* Maj. General (Ret.) Mohamed Zahir (01 January 1996 - 18 Nov 2008)
* Maj. General Moosa Ali Jaleel (18 Nov 2008 - Current)

Posted by waqasahmad

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Service_(Maldives) -
Posted by crouse

Transport layer services.
Posted by waqqas1

An application supporting the transmission of data, voice, video signals, or any combination of these signals, over a given transport, c 'according to a specific protocol or set of protocols.
Posted by hameznick

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