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Explain Quality if Service?
justinxavier 27-June-2008 03:49:22 PM


Please visit www.askedu.net/alldetails.asp?Course=Quality+of+Service+(QoS)
Posted by HamidAliKhan

Posted by Hash007

• Echo- Volume and delay
• Packet loss- One packet lost in SS7 can be critical, packet loss for voice only becomes a concern when it gets too high (BER).
• Tandem Encoding - Translating from one modulation method to anther introduces delays and degrades quality. Telling the source to encode in PCM is less efficient but avoids re-encoding.
• Dial-Plan Design - PSTN uses phone numbers. SIP and H.323 do not. Phone numbers embedded in the addressing scheme reduce lookups and delays.
• Delays - Jitter, Processing, and Propagation
• Quality of Service (QOS) - treating data differently according to need
– Queuing
– Packet Classification
– Controlling Fragmentation

Posted by stephenraj

In the field of computer networking and other packet-switched telecommunication networks, the traffic engineering term quality of service (QoS) refers to resource reservation control mechanisms rather than the achieved service quality. Quality of service is the ability to provide different priority to different applications, users, or data flows, or to guarantee a certain level of performance to a data flow. For example, a required bit rate, delay, jitter, packet dropping probability and/or bit error rate may be guaranteed. Quality of service guarantees are important if the network capacity is insufficient, especially for real-time streaming multimedia applications such as voice over IP, online games and IP-TV, since these often require fixed bit rate and are delay sensitive, and in networks where the capacity is a limited resource, for example in cellular data communication.
Posted by sagitraz

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