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Explain IP Based Multimedia Communication?
george99 27-June-2008 03:51:02 PM


In simple IP Multimedia Communications (IPMC) refers to communication protocols and systems that operate over an IP network, including the Internet, enabling voice (VoIP), video (VC), instant messaging (IM), whiteboarding, application sharing, and other forms of multimedia communication.
Posted by HamidAliKhan

www.w3.org/AudioVideo/9610_Workshop/paper11/paper11.html - 13k -
Posted by crouse

- SIP mainly establishes the IP addresses and port numbers at which the end systems can send and receive data
- SIP does not transport data and does not depend on a certain compression
- Data packets most probably do not follow the same path as the SIP packets
- Audio/Video samples are digitized, compressed and sent in UDP packets
- Compression schemes use limitations of human ears/eyes to reduce bandwidth
- Reduce audio bandwidth using silence suppression
- Reduce video bandwidth using motion detection

Posted by michaeldavid23

IP Multimedia Communications (IPMC) refers to communication protocols and systems that operate over an IP network, including the Internet, enabling voice (VoIP), video (VC), instant messaging (IM), whiteboarding, application sharing, and other forms of multimedia communication.

While VoIP narrowly focuses on the transport of traditional voice phone calls over an IP network and videoconferencing (a.k.a., telepresence) focuses on communication using voice and video capabilities, IPMC is a more expansive term that covers all forms of person-to-person or person-to-machine communication capabilities as mentioned above.

IPMC has slowly evolved over the years, with first generation of IP-based multimedia communication systems like H.323 and SIP primarily focusing on voice. Somewhat prior and parallel to such VoIP systems, there were a number of popular systems that operated over IP networks to enable functionality like application sharing. Still, no one system actually enabled all forms of communication in a standard, interoperable way.
Posted by sagitraz

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