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Explain briefly about Software-Defined Radios (SDR’s) and its purpose?
rubanroy 14-April-2008 10:51:07 PM


SDR refers to wireless communication in which transmitter modulation is defined by a computer & receiver uses a computer to recover signal intelligence.
Posted by Hash007

Software Defined Radio (SDR) system is a radio communication system where components that have typically been implemented in hardware (i.e. mixers, filters, amplifiers, modulators/demodulators, detectors. etc.) are implemented using software. While the concept of SDR is not new, the rapidly evolving capabilities of digital electronics are making many processes that were once only theoretically possible practical.

A basic SDR may consist of a computer (PC) equipped with a sound card, or other analog-to-digital converter, preceded by some form of RF front end. Significant amounts of signal processing are handed over to the general purpose processor, rather than done using special-purpose hardware. Such a design produces a radio that can receive and transmit a different form of radio protocol just by running different software.

Software radios have significant utility for the military and cell phone services, both of which must serve a wide variety of changing radio protocols in real time.

In the long term, software-defined radio is expected by its proponents to become the dominant technology in radio communications. It is the enabler of the cognitive radio.
Posted by jzhang

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