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Can anyone tell me,How to compile and install Asterisk files?
willie_jameson 05-August-2008 02:17:28 PM


To get started, if you are running a new installation of Linux, you will need to resolve a few external dependencies before attempting to compile Asterisk from source code.

voip:/usr/src# apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev

Using Debian one can use apt-get to acquire the necessary packages. Other Liunx distros should use similar package names.

Download the latest 1.4 version of Asterisk from ftp.digium.com.

Note: Asterisk version 1.4.0 does have its issues, which can be show stoppers for larger installations. For this series of How To’s we will focus on Asterisk version 1.4.

Extract and compile the Asterisk source:

voip:/usr/src# tar zxf asterisk-1.4-current.tar.gz
voip:/usr/src# cd asterisk-1.4.0
voip:/usr/src/asterisk-1.4.0# ./configure

The configure process will take a few minutes. When complete you can start building Asterisk.

voip:/usr/src/asterisk-1.4.0# make install

The compile process can take a little while, so go find yourself something to drink while the compiler does its magic.

Now that you are refreshed, we can get to configuring Asterisk.

The default configuration directory of Asterisk is /etc/asterisk/. We will need to create the following files.


There are many many other configuration files, but only the above are required for our minimal configuration.

All Asterisk config files are very similar to .ini files. This makes for simple machine and human usage. For example:


This would be considered the sample context and the keyword would be set to value.

Create each Asterisk config file.

logger.conf - Establishes the types of messages that you see on the CLI, Syslog or in discreet files. We will start by only sending messages just to the Asterisk CLI (console)

console = warning,notice,error

This instructs Asterisk to display the warning, notice and error message types. There is also a debug message type, however the amount of information that is generated is usually only interesting to a developer or someone attempting to diagnose a problem.

modules.conf - Instructs Asterisk which modules get loaded.

How To Configure Asterisk: Your First Installation

More advanced configurations of Asterisk can disable the loading of specific modules. For this configuration the autoloading of modules is the simplest method to get started.
Posted by sagitraz

# cd /usr/src/asterisk-
# make clean
# make mpgl23
# make
# make install
# make samples

Posted by suresh123

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