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Anyone tell me, what is SDH?
Edgar 28-September-2007 01:52:53 PM


A method of transmitting digital information where the data is packed in containers which are synchronized in time enabling relatively simple multiplexing and demultiplexing at the transmitting and receiving ends. The technique is used to carry high capacity information over long distances up to speeds of 10Gbps.
Posted by justfawad

1:Synchronous Digital Hierarchy - the standard for transmitting digital information over optical networks such as SONET.
2:ITU-TS synchronous transmission standards aligned with Sonet above 155Mbit/s, aimed at network operators.
Posted by waqasahmad

For details:


Posted by sagitraz

All the systems are synchronous with master clock. SDH is a transmission system protocols, which defines the characteristics of digital signal including frame structure, multiplexing method, interface code pattern & so on.
Posted by HamidAliKhan

SDH is a synchronous digital hirearchy used in core long distance & access optical transport network. It equivalent of layer 1 to layer 1.5 , OSI , SDH is a ITU-T and SONET is a ansi standard used predominently in american networks, both functions are same
Posted by gopi80_giga

SDH or synchronous digital hierarchy standard developed by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), documented in standard G.707 and its extension G.708.
Posted by manuel

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