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Anyone tell me, how have networked telecommunications affected global industry?
Jaime 28-September-2007 04:17:02 PM


pls visit:
Posted by crouse

Such a worldwide distribution of production centres has been made possible by real-time enterprise networks which allow quality control, maintenance of optimal level of inventory, and design and quantity change according to market demand.
Posted by waqqas1


Posted by sagitraz

Telecommunications is an essential infrastructure, indispensable for many other industries. In the early days of industrialization the location of industries was intimately tied to the availability of raw materials and access to cheap forms of transport, such as water transport, railways, etc. With the development of information technology, physical location or geographical distance have largely lost their critical value. Companies are able to locate their subsidiaries at different points of the globe producing components in the most efficient centres and sending them for assembly to other centres which are closest to the market.
Such a worldwide distribution of production centres has been made possible by real-time enterprise networks which allow quality control, maintenance of optimal level of inventory, and design and quantity change according to market demand.
The most dramatic development has been the creation and rapid expansion of a superstructure of value added computer networks which has been built upon the digital pipe infrastructure. The Global Information Infrastructure is under construction, and while there is still massive investment needed, there are already many thousands of linked computer networks providing connectivity among millions of computer systems and tens of millions of users around the world.
The versatility of telecommunication networks has enabled not only the globalization of markets but also the creation of multinational companies which have access to necessary labour and investment funds from many countries. Today, multinationals can work with just a few individuals in each centre, operating in many countries. These partners can even operate from their own "wired" homes, reducing large overhead costs.
Posted by curtis

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