Define ROM
Brenton 04-October-2007 02:23:32 PM


read-only memory: (computer science) memory whose contents can be accessed and read but cannot be changed
Posted by waqasahmad

Rom is read only memory. The data store in RAM are fixed and can't remove. The Operating system uses the data to operate system booting system
Posted by HamidAliKhan

ROM contains the power on diagnostics, a bootstrap program and operating system software . To perform upgrades the physical chips must be removed and replaced.
Posted by vishwesh

Posted: 04-October-2007 02:50:44 PM By: vishwesh

ROM contains the power on diagnostics, a bootstrap program and operating system software . To perform upgrades the physical chips must be removed and replaced.

Posted: 19-December-2008 12:41:54 AM By: HamidAliKhan

Rom is read only memory. The data store in RAM are fixed and can't remove. The Operating system uses the data to operate system booting system

Posted: 31-December-2008 05:32:40 AM By: waqasahmad

read-only memory: (computer science) memory whose contents can be accessed and read but cannot be changed