Could anyone help me in knowing the major types of networks and explain?
Jakobe 25-September-2007 07:06:37 PM


There are two types of computer nerds; Those that are oblivious to how boring ...
1:Server-based network.
2:Peer-to-peer network.
please visit - 46k -
Posted by waqasahmad

Server-based network.
Peer-to-peer network.

Peer-to-peer network, computers can act as both servers sharing resources and as clients using the resources.

Server-based networks provide centralized control of network resources and rely on server computers to provide security and network administration.

Posted by robin

Posted: 28-September-2007 02:00:21 PM By: robin

Server-based network.
Peer-to-peer network.

Peer-to-peer network, computers can act as both servers sharing resources and as clients using the resources.

Server-based networks provide centralized control of network resources and rely on server computers to provide security and network administration.

Posted: 31-December-2008 07:08:06 AM By: waqasahmad

There are two types of computer nerds; Those that are oblivious to how boring ...
1:Server-based network.
2:Peer-to-peer network.
please visit - 46k -