I have to call one number and leave message. Message should go in wav format to 1000 customers? Is this possible via Asterisk? jackson 18-September-2008 08:17:54 PMComments www.gentoo-wiki.info/Asterisk Posted by crouse 1. Yes. Under normal send mail setup go to /etc/mail/aliases 2. Separate the alias group like customer in the below format Customer: victor@yahoo.com;kk@hotmail.com;bigdog@aol.com 3. Now set up Voice Mail will all these email address? 4. Instead of one email address we have 1000 in this patter so voice mail will go to everyone. Posted by carlos33 |
Posted: 19-September-2008 12:26:54 PM By: carlos33 1. Yes. Under normal send mail setup go to /etc/mail/aliases 2. Separate the alias group like customer in the below format Customer: victor@yahoo.com;kk@hotmail.com;bigdog@aol.com 3. Now set up Voice Mail will all these email address? 4. Instead of one email address we have 1000 in this patter so voice mail will go to everyone. | |
Posted: 14-June-2009 07:12:08 AM By: crouse www.gentoo-wiki.info/Asterisk |