Guide me how to trouble shoot Inter Asterisk Exchange issues in Asterisk?
jackson 12-September-2008 12:08:10 PM


We can use Unsniff to develop, debug, or test the IAX protocol (the native protocol used by the Asterisk open source PBX).Unsniff basically offers unmatched support for IAX and Asterisk analysis.
Posted by sagitraz

In IAX entire call is reinvited so one way should we very minimal. Well I would
suggest IP address not configured correctly, username and Password mismatch, check for
packet loss in the VOIP network (Routers/Switches). Finally check your firewall as well.

Posted by willie_jameson

Posted: 12-September-2008 12:41:30 PM By: willie_jameson

In IAX entire call is reinvited so one way should we very minimal. Well I would
suggest IP address not configured correctly, username and Password mismatch, check for
packet loss in the VOIP network (Routers/Switches). Finally check your firewall as well.

Posted: 13-September-2008 01:20:09 AM By: sagitraz

We can use Unsniff to develop, debug, or test the IAX protocol (the native protocol used by the Asterisk open source PBX).Unsniff basically offers unmatched support for IAX and Asterisk analysis.