I bought a Creative Labs VOIP-Blaster. How can I hook it up to use with Asterisk?
sagitraz 23-August-2008 09:36:25 AM


Posted by crouse

Posted by crouse

VOIP Blaster should be able to have a IP address
with Remote IP address. In this case Remote IP
for VOIP Blaster would be Asterisk and for
Asterisk Remote IP would VOIP Blaster.

In a nutshell between VOIP Blaster and SIP-DAL,
create a signalling link for SIP messages and
create a trunk like SIP-DAL or SIP-T Trunk
between the Blaster and Asterisk. For more
details I would need exact model and make of
VOIP blaster.
Posted by rajaram144

Posted: 05-September-2008 11:27:36 PM By: rajaram144

VOIP Blaster should be able to have a IP address
with Remote IP address. In this case Remote IP
for VOIP Blaster would be Asterisk and for
Asterisk Remote IP would VOIP Blaster.

In a nutshell between VOIP Blaster and SIP-DAL,
create a signalling link for SIP messages and
create a trunk like SIP-DAL or SIP-T Trunk
between the Blaster and Asterisk. For more
details I would need exact model and make of
VOIP blaster.

Posted: 25-September-2009 09:37:46 AM By: crouse


Posted: 25-September-2009 09:55:27 AM By: crouse
