Hello Friends Tell Me,How is CDR stored in Asterisk?
adamsclark 19-August-2008 01:36:51 PM


Posted by crouse

Asterisk::CDR is a Perl module for accessing Asterisk CDRs stored in a dabatase as objects. It inherits all but one of its useful methods from Class::DBI.

Database information is supplied as a list to the init_db() class method. A DBI data source string, username and password must be supplied. By default, Asterisk::CDR will use cdr as the table and the standard columns expected by Asterisk's cdr_odbc module. Both the table name and the columns can be overriden by specifiying them when calling init_db():

use Asterisk::CDR;
Asterisk::CDR->init_db (
dsn => 'dbi:mysql:database',
username => 'username',
password => 'password',
table => 'my_cdrs',
columns => @my_columns

After init_db() is called, Class::DBI methods may be called to retrieve CDRs as objects:
Posted by sagitraz

Without even being told, Asterisk assumes that you want to store CDR information.
By default, Asterisk will create a CSV file and place it in the folder /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/. [] To the naked eye, this file looks like a bit of a mess. If, however, you separate each line according to the commas, you will find that each line contains information about a particular call, and that the commas separate the following values:

A Comma Separated Values (CSV) file is a common method of formatting database-type information in a text file. You can open CSV files with a text editor, but most spreadsheet and database programs will also read them and properly parse them into rows and columns.

Posted by james_winston

CDR in Asterisk can be storebd or in file or in to the datbase(Postgresql, mysql etc.)
Posted by avloginov

Posted: 20-August-2008 12:18:33 AM By: avloginov

CDR in Asterisk can be storebd or in file or in to the datbase(Postgresql, mysql etc.)

Posted: 20-August-2008 01:07:12 PM By: james_winston

Without even being told, Asterisk assumes that you want to store CDR information.
By default, Asterisk will create a CSV file and place it in the folder /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/. [] To the naked eye, this file looks like a bit of a mess. If, however, you separate each line according to the commas, you will find that each line contains information about a particular call, and that the commas separate the following values:

A Comma Separated Values (CSV) file is a common method of formatting database-type information in a text file. You can open CSV files with a text editor, but most spreadsheet and database programs will also read them and properly parse them into rows and columns.

Posted: 27-August-2008 07:35:17 AM By: sagitraz

Asterisk::CDR is a Perl module for accessing Asterisk CDRs stored in a dabatase as objects. It inherits all but one of its useful methods from Class::DBI.

Database information is supplied as a list to the init_db() class method. A DBI data source string, username and password must be supplied. By default, Asterisk::CDR will use cdr as the table and the standard columns expected by Asterisk's cdr_odbc module. Both the table name and the columns can be overriden by specifiying them when calling init_db():

use Asterisk::CDR;
Asterisk::CDR->init_db (
dsn => 'dbi:mysql:database',
username => 'username',
password => 'password',
table => 'my_cdrs',
columns => \@my_columns

After init_db() is called, Class::DBI methods may be called to retrieve CDRs as objects:

Posted: 25-September-2009 07:24:58 AM By: crouse
