Friends I have a doubt that, whether the number of computers on a bus network affects or not affects the network performance? Please help me
david606 19-July-2007 03:24:25 PM


Yes it will affect the network Performance.
Posted by HamidAliKhan

It will affect it. Because only one computer at a time can send data, the more computers you have on the network the more computers there will be waiting send data.
Posted by jame_kristopher

Posted: 25-September-2007 03:30:23 PM By: jame_kristopher

It will affect it. Because only one computer at a time can send data, the more computers you have on the network the more computers there will be waiting send data.

Posted: 26-December-2008 06:43:19 AM By: HamidAliKhan

Yes it will affect the network Performance.