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Future Plans


TelecomMentor consistently seeks to advance and to expand services for our clients. 




We added the following:


1. Credit Card Implemented on July 2008


If you prefer to pay your provider using PayPal, it may not be necessary to authenticate your credit card. TelecomMentor also completed implementing Credit Card on July 2008.



2. Wire Transfer


A wire transfer is a method of transferring funds from one entity to another. Wire transfers may be accomplished by a simple bank account transfer or by a transfer of cash at a cash office.  By making a transfer payable to TelecomMentor and providing your username and TelecomMentor account number, you will be able to deposit and withdraw monies within 24 hours. This feature is available but there will be $15 additional charge per wire transfer.



3. Faster WebSite


October 2007, we moved to Dedicated Server and our Admin Team performs maintenance every week. TelecomMentor is aggressively taking action each day to improve the speed of our website.  We are addressing all optimization techniques and the performance of our dedicated servers.



4. Go Daddy SSL


Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remains private and secure.  SSL is an industry standard used by millions of websites to protect online transactions with their customers.   TelecomMentor implemented credit card processing in July 2008, and we are Certified by Go Daddy SSL Certification Below is the URL of our certification sealID=2679787680273acf1012711bb381200f17f0e037470.



We will be adding the following:



1. Bank Account Deposit and Withdrawal


Presently, PayPal is the only method available for U.S. and worldwide clients to deposit and withdraw funds with TelecomMentor.  Within the next few months, TelecomMentor plans to support bank account deposits and withdrawals via ACH for US customers.  We also plan to support the process of depositing monies via checks mailed to any address in the U.S. This may be available from early 2009



 2. Portfolio Manager


For different business market types, the portfolio manager provides a space to upload and showcase samples of work.  When searching the marketplace, the portfolio manager allows members and guests to review items in specific categories.  From the main CP menu, clients may also access the portfolio manager to upload media and manage portfolio descriptions.  By clicking on the Upload Media button, clients may upload attachment media to specific categories for any type of business category.  Each attached item will then be listed in the portfolio attachment menu.  TelecomMentor intends to implement this feature within the next few months.



3. Consistent Advertisement


TelecomMentor is consistently advertising and marketing the best possible methods to ensure that 100’s of quality service providers and service buyers are added to our site.  We also plan to implement advertising features within TelecomMentor such as:

  • View my Campaign
  • New Pay Per Impression Ad
  • New Pay Per Click Ad
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