Tipsity is a mission to create a totally FREE Tips resource on the web. We strongly believe in the word FREE. Why pay for tips? They are supposed to save money, time, efforts and lot more that you can even think. Tipsity is the only online resource where tips are shared by users and rated by users. You write, edit, rate, read and of course use the tips in daily life. Its a tips community run by users and build by users. Everyone is blessed with Knowledge.
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Access a comprehensive VoIP forum for VoIP related products & VoIP services. A forum: one of its kinds where you can express and share your thoughts, ideas, problems or discuss any other related issues. We also provide a one to one platform for companies, individuals and VoIP related service providers to interact, discuss and obtain a business deal best suited to their respective businesses.
Wireless Informatics represents a new success driver for the mobile industry, and the Wireless Informatics Forum is the first and only resource dedicated to promoting its place in the enhancement of the user experience.
The WiMAX Forum® is an industry-led, not-for-profit organization formed to certify and promote the compatibility and interoperability of broadband wireless products based upon the harmonized IEEE 802.16/ETSI HiperMAN standard. A WiMAX Forum goal is to accelerate the introduction of these systems into the marketplace. WiMAX Forum Certified™ products are fully interoperable and support broadband fixed, portable and mobile services. Along these lines, the WiMAX Forum works closely with service providers and regulators to ensure that WiMAX Forum Certified systems meet customer and government requirements.