Title: TAC
Category: Telecom Employment Agencies
Clicks: 4
Listing added: Oct 30, 2008
Listing Rank:
About 76 million Baby Boomers — one-third of the U.S. workforce — are set to retire in large numbers by the end of the decade, and there aren't enough younger workers to take their place. To meet this challenge, especially in IT and engineering where the shortage is severe, companies are radically rethinking their strategies for job seeker recruitment, retention, and work schedules. TAC Worldwide supports Fortune 1000 and mid-size companies by deploying an agile workforce — the optimal mix of highly-skilled IT and engineering contingent and permanent professionals — to meet clients' immediate and long-term challenges. The agile workforce talent pool answers the call in a timely manner, filling critical roles while melding seamlessly with clients' existing IT, engineering, manufacturing, and administrative staffs. Through smartly-conceived workforce staffing strategies, planning, consulting, and management programs, TAC Worldwide helps organizations in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific maintain their competitive edge while controlling costs.

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