Sumitomo Electric Industries

Title: Sumitomo Electric Industries
Category: United States
Clicks: 0
Listing added: Jan 22, 2008
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The Sumitomo business was started in Kyoto, the historic capital city of Japan, nearly 400 years ago by Masatomo Sumitomo (1585-1652) and Riemon Soga (1572-1636). Masatomo is regarded as the spiritual founder of the Sumitomo Group. Following an early career in the Buddhist priesthood, he established a shop in Kyoto that sold medicines and books. In accordance with custom of the time, Masatomo produced written teachings for his household and disciples. One volume of these, which provided advice on conduct of commercial activity, has been come to be known as the "Founder's Precepts" and is the basis of the code of conduct for the Sumitomo Group of companies.

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