
Title: Kpowernet
Category: United States
Clicks: 2
Listing added: Jan 22, 2008
Listing Rank:
K-PowerNet is a wholly-owned subsidiary of KAMO Power. Created on April 15, 1941 under the Rural Electrification Act (1936), KAMO Power was formed to provide wholesale electrical transmission to 13 rural electric cooperatives. Today, KAMO supplies power to 17 rural electric cooperatives serving more than 280,000 members in Missouri and Oklahoma. KAMO Power has a total of 1,997 miles of energized line in both states. K-PowerNet was created to construct a fiber optic system that would meet the telecommunications needs of KAMO Power and our member systems. We have installed fiber on KAMO's transmission and distribution poles that link all of our communications sites together. Because of this, we are able to utilize what we need and market the unused portion of the fiber optic network.

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