Northstar Access

Title: Northstar Access
Category: Telecom Service & Solution
Clicks: 0
Listing added: Mar 6, 2009
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NorthStar Access is a telephone company (competing with Qwest) offering local dialtone for the phone in your home or business, long distance, and innovative Internet services including broadband fast Internet (DSL) called iZoom. We're dedicated to serving Cambridge, Elk River, Otsego, Princeton, Mora, and North Branch--all with local offices for easy access. NorthStar Access was started in 1998 from a partnership of two companies with long histories of serving the outlying areas of these cities*. Connexus Energy and Sherburne Telesystems partnered to create NorthStar Access. In 2002, NorthStar Access became a wholly owned subsidiary of Sherburne Telesystems, a company that has over 50 years experience in the telecommunications arena.

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